Research Promotion Council of Keihanna Info-Communication Open Laboratory .
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  The greeting

Research Promotion Council of Keihanna Info-Communication Open Laboratory Chief director Masayuki MATSUSHITA

To promote research and development in the field of info-communications in the Kansai region through collaboration between industry, academia and government, the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) has established the Keihanna Info-Communication Open Laboratory (open lab) in Keihanna Science City in June 2003.

The Council discusses the methods to effectively utilize the open lab, obtain high performance of networks, establish human-centered communication technologies, development and promotion of technology and research, and establish industry-academia-government collaboration.

Currently, a worldwide research is being carried out through three subcommittee meetings.
For example, New generation Network Subcommittee is dealing with the optical communication technology and petabit network relations.

A new industry will be created based on the new technology developed at the open lab. The development of new technologies is essential for further development in ICT and to provide its users with comfort and convenience.

The current results obtained due to the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia, and government, have helped in the realization of a fine model.

Thank you very much for your support to the Council.

Copyright(C) Research Promotion Council of Keihanna Info-Communication Open Laboratory. .